Pool Rules
An SASTC Member must accompany all Guests.
Members must be at least 16 years old to bring a guest (without an adult member).
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult or by a sibling that is 13 or older.
Pool and patio furniture shall not be moved.
Spitting, spouting of water from the mouth, blowing the nose, and the elimination of bodily waste in the
pool or on deck are prohibited, and may be grounds for removal.
Street clothes/ shoes are not permitted in the pool.
Children 3 years old and under and/or who are not fully toilet trained are not permitted in the main pool.
For the wading pool, all children who are not toilet trained must wear elastic tight swim diapers (RUBBER PANTS ***must cover any swim diaper (Lil’ Swimmers, Splashers, etc.). Rubber Pants are available for purchase on Amazon.com or Walmart.com
Changing diapers poolside is prohibited.
No towels or anything else should be hung on the fence around the wading pool.
When guests are permitted, the Member is responsible for their sponsored guest and ensuring they adhere to the Club rules and guidelines. This includes, but is not limited to: adherence to the toilet training rule, roughhousing, and appropriate use of recreational equipment.
No screaming, yelling, or foul language.
Please use earpieces when listening to music on personal radios or cell phones. The pool will be streaming music on the deck area throughout the day.
Children under 16 must not be in or near the water during Adult Swim.
No running is allowed.
No rough play is allowed.
No animals are allowed within any of the SASTC fenced in areas or on SASTC property with the exception of approved service animals.
No food or drink in the pool. Absolutely no glass or gum on the premise. Trash must be thrown into trashcans.
No smoking, chew, snuff or vaping. Use of tobacco, marijuana products, and illegal substances are prohibited on SASTC property.
The lifeguards will collect Lost & Found items and place them in the Lost and Found bin. All items will be disposed of after closing time on the first Tuesday of each month.
No loitering around Lifeguards, bathrooms, pool steps or ladders, or the entry/exit gate.
Members and their guests must vacate the premises for one hour following lightning. Thunder is 30 minutes out of water. Please note, timing begins from the sound of the last clap of thunder. For example, if it thunders at 1:30, we will begin timing then. If it thunders again at 1:45, the time starts over.
Use of the diving board and slide are restricted to swimmers who have passed the swim test. All children including those on the swim and dive team are required to take the swim test in order to use the diving board and the slide.
Children under 11 must pass a swim test (consisting of swimming one length of the pool in any stroke excluding backstroke, and 90 seconds treading water) in order to utilize the diving board, slide, and/or deep well. Any lifeguard on duty can administer the test.
Upon passing the swim test, the swimmer will receive a bracelet* and their name will be noted in a log kept by the lifeguard staff. The bracelet must be worn either on the swimmer’s wrist or ankle and must be worn at all times in the deep end. The bracelet will be replaced one time only.
Lifeguards reserve the right to check for the swimmer’s name in the test log.
*SWIM/DIVE TEAM: Members of these teams will receive a bracelet at their first
The diving well will be available for free swim at the Lifeguards’ discretion. Should anyone approach the diving board and/or slide during free swim, the well will be closed for open swimming and the board and/or slide will be used.
Saint Andrews Swim and Tennis Club Pool Rules Rev. May 2024
Floats, of any kind, are NOT permitted. Pool Noodles are not allowed during open swim but may be used during adult swim for exercise purposes.
There will be no extended breath holding (i.e. longer than 10 seconds underwater). Please do not attempt to swim from one side to the other, play “dead man’s float”, or other extended breath holding activities.
An adult must accompany any non-swimmer at all times (within arm’s reach of the non-swimmer) If the swimmer is wearing a floatation device, the device must be US Coast Guard approved (Puddle Jumpers, life jackets, etc. meet this requirement). Should a lifeguard question a swimmer’s ability, they reserve the right to conduct a swim assessment (which is different than a deep-water test). A swimmer who is not able to swim the width of the pool without grabbing the wall and/or touching the bottom is considered a non-swimmer.
Use of the diving blocks is prohibited during regular pool hours unless supervised by a St. Andrews Swim/Dive coach or other ASCA Certified Coach.
Enjoy the water, not the handrails, steps or ladders. Do not hangout or play on the steps, as other families need to enter and exit safely.
Lifeguard Responsibilities
Ensures the safety of all pool patrons.
Lifeguards will observe from the lifeguard chair when there are one or more swimmers in the pool.
Always wears an approved Ace Aquatics lifeguard uniform while on duty.
Responds quickly and competently to all emergency situations.
Maintains the general cleanliness of the entire facility including but not limited to the pool, deck, pool furniture, bathrooms, office, and trashcans.
Check patrons into the pool at a designated location.
Enforces rules in a fair and consistent manner.
Sets an example for pool patrons.
Properly uses and maintains all safety equipment.
Reports all defective equipment to your supervisor.
Complies with all health department rules and regulations.
Complies with all OSHA standards regarding chemical safety and blood borne pathogens.
Adheres to all company policies and procedures outlined in the Lifeguard Manual.
Performs other duties as assigned.
Pool Hours
*The pool will remain in operation during these times unless otherwise preempted due to a previously scheduled event or inclement weather. The pool management reserves the right to make changes in pool hours of operation as deemed necessary. The Google Calendar below will be updated with closures for meets during the summer. Click on the + Google box to add it to your personal calendar.