Please observe the following rules when using The St. Andrew’s Swim & Tennis Courts
- The use of the tennis courts is for SASTC members and their guests only. There must be at least one SASTC member per court in use.
- PickleBall is only allowed between 9 AM and 9 PM
- Do not give the combination to the tennis courts to anyone other than a verified current SASTC member.
- The courts are to be used for tennis-related activities only. No other gameplay is permitted. The use of manual or motorized vehicles on the courts including bikes, skateboards, or skates is strictly prohibited.
- No dogs or other pets are allowed on Tennis Courts or in any fenced in areas.
- No sitting, hanging, or banging your racquets on the tennis nets or netting.
- Properly dispose of your trash from the courts and Tennis Pavilion.
- Be courteous to others who are playing on the court.
- No gum on the courts.
- Children under 10 shall not be left unsupervised on the courts.
- Children under the age of 14 and not accompanied by an adult must yield the court(s) to adults who are waiting to play. This does not apply to SASTC Junior Tennis Team members who are playing scheduled ladder matches.
- Court time can be reserved 48 hours in advance and is limited to 1.5 hours at a time (sign-up online via your membership account).
- During unscheduled court times, limit your use of court time to 75 minutes when others are waiting.
- Sanctioned SASTC events take precedence over all other court play.
- The tennis courts are closed at 9 PM. No loitering in the Tennis Pavilion or on the courts after 9 PM unless attending a sanctioned SASTC tennis event.
- You may be asked to verify your membership and requested to leave if current membership is unverifiable.
- Turn off the lights and lock the tennis courts when you leave.